Wednesday 16 September 2015

Arugula salad with walnuts

Rucola or Arugula is peppery and strong flavored leafy green and tastes divine with walnuts and cantaloupe/muskmelon.

For dressing

Apple cider vinegar : 1 tbsp
Olive oil : 2 tbsp
Orange zest : 1/2 tsp
Orange juice : 1 tsp
Honey : 1 tsp 
Salt : to taste
Pepper : a pinch

Baby arugula leaves : 1 cup
Roasted walnuts : fistful (you can use any nuts)
Cantaloupe/Musk melon : 1/4 melon (cut in cubes) 
Dry grapes/ dry berries. : few
Goat cheese/parmesan/mozarella


Whisk the dressing until well combined.

In a large bowl combine the ingredients and toss the dressing. Sprinkle any cheese of your choice and serve.

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